U.S. Coast Guard Forms
Below are links to the USCG forms required for the OUPV (Captain's) and Masters License application process. The forms that Nautical School provides are in pdf format and require Adobe's Acrobat Reader in order to view them. If you currently do not have Acrobat reader installed on your computer, please download the application by clicking here and follow the on screen instructions. Once Acrobat reader is installed, click on any of the form links below in order to view/print the form.
The links for the USCG pdfs go to the USCG site and the forms can be searched and downloaded directly from there.
Nautical School (pdfs)
- (FORM CG-719K) Application for Medical Certificate
- (FORM CG-719B) Application for Merchant Mariner Credential
- (OPTIONAL CG-719S) Small Vessel Sea Service Form , For Service on Vessels of Less Than 200 Gross Register Tons Only
- (NMC Policy Letter 11-02) Verification of Identity Requirements
- Diabetes Waiver Form
- Vision Waiver Form
- Hearing Waiver Form
- MMD Photo/Signature Scanner Form
- (SF-180) Request Pertaining to Military Records: Front | Back
USCG (pdfs)
- www.dco.uscg.mil/nmc/forms/ - USCG PHYSCIAL 719K
- www.dco.uscg.mil/nmc/forms/ - USCG SEA SERVICE FORM
- www.dco.uscg.mil/nmc/forms/- (Form CG-719b) Application for Merchant Mariner Document, License or Certificate of Registry
- www.dco.uscg.mil/nmc/forms/ - (Form CG-719k/E) Merchant Marine Certification of Fitness for Entry Level Ratings
- www.dco.uscg.mil/nmc/forms/(Form CG-719P) DOT/USCG Periodic Drug Testing Form
- www.dco.uscg.mil/nmc/forms/ - (Form CG-719C) Conviction Statement Form
Other Links
- Print your Merchant Mariner Credential-License
- https://homeport.uscg.mil/Lists/Content/Attachments/1600/UPV_JobAid2011.pdf - U.S. Coast Guard required equipment check-list for an OUPV (Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessel).
- www.uscg.mil/STCW/downloads.htm - Use this link to download the USCG applications you will need to apply for your OUPV license.
- The Nautical School Facebook page. Find articles, information and pictures posted by students and graduates alike. Join in and contribute 🙂
- tbone.biol.sc.edu/tide/sitesel.html - To predict the trends of the tide and current.
- www.marine.rutgers.edu/mrs/ - Connect with the Coast Ocean Observation Lab at Rutgers University for real-time and archived ocean data from the coastal waters off New Jersey, the West Florida shelf and Lake Michigan
- www.wunderground.com - For current and forecasted weather condtions, anytime, anywhere.
- https://nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/publications/coast-pilot - NOAA - U.S. Coast Pilot
- https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/light-list-annual-publication - LIGHT LIST Publication
- https://msi.nga.mil/api/publications/download?key=16694005/SFH00000/ChartNo1.pdf&type=view - CHART # 1